The soap opera called my life
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
  Date, work, etc...
So my date the other night was GREAT! I had been kinda worried about it before because he is so much more intellectual and knows alot about philosophy and politics. I was curious what conversation would be like. Well I show up late (starting to become a habit...gotta break it! LOL) After FINALLY finding somewhere to park, I walk up behind my date as we are chatting on our cell phones he he. We walk in, get a beer, and find a little corner to sit at so we can chat. Keep in mind we are at an outside area of this restaraunt on the edge of the park. Conversation was great...I answered questions and was scoring well he said LOL He was doing the same with my questions. He was making me laugh because we kept talking about stuff that he said you supposedly weren't supposed to talk about on a first date. He made the comment that it was the most normal or relaxed date he's been on lately. I can't remember which....LOL He kept making references to a second date and getting together again. He made the comment he would tell me about the worse day in his life in 6 months, too. We walked in the park for a while also, just chatting.
Well when he is walking me to my car is when I realize that it wasn't there. We realize it's been towed. There was never any question that he was going to take me to get my car. He even offered some of the others that were towed a ride. He offered to stay with me at the towing place. I obliged because I was a little uncomfortable. I felt bad though because he just ended up standing there chatting with other people waiting for their cars. Once we are in our cars and back on the interstate he calls, says he had a great time. I agreed and complimented him on picking a cool date spot, made some comment about other than my car getting towed. I don't remember exactly he he. m He said he'd talk to me again soon. I haven't talked to him yet though. I emailed him Monday morning saying thanks for the great date, and told him he had earned points with me on picking a great date spot and how well he handled the whole situation with my car.
My students (well 2 of them) are driving me nuts! I need prayer that I can handle them and actually teach the others this year!!!!
Monday, September 18, 2006
  Just my luck...
that at the end of a great first date I would come out to find my car TOWED!!!! LOL I can't help but to laugh....and at least I wasn't the only one. I was one of many to get their cars towed from the same parking lot.
More later on the date and stuff...I gotta get to bed. Much love!
Saturday, September 02, 2006
  Sentences from the teacher....
1. I will not let my student who has been diagnosed emotionally and behaviorally disturbed ruin my other students' chances at learning.
2. I will not let above mentioned student drive me crazy.
3. I will not let above mentioned student wear me down...or out!
4. I will not let grad school get in the way of work.
5. I will not let my part-time job get in the way of work or school
6. I will not feel bad at trying to quit above mentioned part-time job
7. I will not let my position as an advisor with my sorority's chapter drive me crazy (or their drama either).
8. I will make sure I get enough sleep every night.
9. I will make sure I get better (sinuses and stuff).
10.I will make sure that I don't let Chris and his somewhat acting-like- my boyfriend- but- he's- not get the best of me.
11.I will not give up on Mr. Right.
12.I will not let life get in the way of my relationship with God.
13.I will not let all this other stuff keep me from cleaning my filthy apartment. lol
This is a diary of the adventures of a young christian woman as she searches for her prince charming and lives her life in the suburbs of the "New York of the South."

Location: Georgia, United States

Well, I am a 26 year old christian teacher living in the peach state in search of my prince.

December 2005 / January 2006 / February 2006 / March 2006 / April 2006 / May 2006 / July 2006 / August 2006 / September 2006 / October 2006 / November 2006 / January 2007 / February 2007 / March 2007 /

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