The soap opera called my life
Sunday, January 07, 2007
  New Year, New Southern Peach ....
in some ways, Lord-willing! I plan to continue to be the same person that I am...bubbly around those select few, talkative, nice, would do anything for anyone. However, I also plan to change for the better in some ways-spiritually and personality wise.
Spiritually, I want to become closer to God this year, and let him take more control over my life, to live my life for him. I want to get more involved in church also. I had slacked in this department from lack of deciding on a church, but not anymore. God died all those years ago for my sins on that cruel cross, and I LOVE him so much for that and my eternal salvation that I received a little over a year ago through my baptism by my Daddy. It's high time I show my love and thanks, follow his word better.

In the personality department, I have stunk at keeping in touch with people that I think alot of and think of often. I have become a slacker in sending cards and such to my friends like I used to. Next to God and my family, my friends mean the WORLD to me. Growing up I never had alot of very close friends, or many friends at all. Now as an adult to be blessed with the best friend ever in GaBelle, and my close friendships with many others is WONDERFUL! I need to get my head outta wherever it's been ,and start showing them that I care and appreciate their friendship more than words could ever say.
One of the many things I will pray for this year is the ability to put God first, followed by my family and friends
I also want to stop looking like a butter ball...I am praying for it fervently! he he
A belated Happy New Year to you all!
Jude 1:2 "Mercy, peace, and love be yours in abundance"
This is a diary of the adventures of a young christian woman as she searches for her prince charming and lives her life in the suburbs of the "New York of the South."

Location: Georgia, United States

Well, I am a 26 year old christian teacher living in the peach state in search of my prince.

December 2005 / January 2006 / February 2006 / March 2006 / April 2006 / May 2006 / July 2006 / August 2006 / September 2006 / October 2006 / November 2006 / January 2007 / February 2007 / March 2007 /

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