The soap opera called my life
Saturday, August 19, 2006
life has been busy! Sorry I haven't been around...between work, my part time job with campus kids at school, and my advisor position with ZTA I have been busy!
Last weekend I left school at 3, hit the road to TN, got to TN about 6, and picked up my youngest nephew.WHEW! The next day was breakfast with two of my sorority sisters to discuss some stuff, to be followed by workshop with the ZTA chapter until around 5. Then I went home where we ate a great dinner Mom made and took the boys to the fair. My sister and I were there until around 11 or so. Boy was I tired!!! And my feet were HURTING! I couldn't tell her no though when she asked if I minded staying longer so she could see her friends. I had rode up there with her and she is the type that wouldn't have stayed by herself.
Being at the fair made me realize that I am sooo glad I live in a big city, glad that I am outta high school, and that seeing people from years ago may not be as bad as I think he he. I saw some people I didn't care to see (people I graduated with) but it was nice so that was good :) See I have this thing about the people from my high school...I dislike most of them, always have. They probably feel the same about me. They made my life heck back then kinda with pettiness and cattiness. Plus it was like oh well you aren't this or that so you can't be a close friend. Let me put this into perspective for ya: My senior year everyone disliked me because ONE girl got mad I was a cheerleading captain with her and she didn't have it all to herself (it seemed like this to me). That it what I hated about high school. The girl upset with me was the IT girl so of course everyone seemed to follow suit. I did send her a card a while back when her infant daughter passed away, though. I hold no grudges anymore :) Things are way different now and I need to get over things from the past and realize we have grown up, and get over being shy and timid around people from high school.
On to another topic....I know you have heard me talk about ZTA and advisor stuff but I think without me explaining. Zeta Tau Alpha is the sorority I am a sister of and it was my life in college. It has relly been a blessing to me in helping me learn leadership, service, etc. Not to mention great friends. I recently took on the position of membership advisor for my college chapter. Meaning that I am the advisor for "rush" where you try to get new girls. Hence why I was up there with the chapter last weekend and will be again for "rush" right after Labor Day. It is fun but demanding that's for sure. It has definitely been good for me though.It has kept me busy along with work that has kept my mind off of things.
On to yet another topic...last weekend I found out my friend Dana got engaged. She is like a sister to me and I am so excited for her! However, after the excitement wore off I got down in the dumps, BAD. I got in that whole mind set where its like everyone but me is married and happy, etc. I felt so bad!!! I felt like I shouldn't be feeling this way because Dana is one of my best friends and I should be nothing but happy. I mean I was happy and still am for her and Jason, yet I had those feelings too.
I got to see GaBelle the other day..what a treat! I hadn't seen her in like 2 months and we had lots to catch up (imagine 2 months worth of stuff to tell your best friend!)LOL Before we knew it we had been at the coffeeshop for like 3 hours! When we relaized what time it was I needed to get home and get some stuff done and she needed to get home to her husband.
More to come later about work and Chris...gotta get to a house warming party...
dealing with feelings about high school can take a long time to sort out. the viciousness of the social politics is overwhelming sometimes.

i am glad you are taking it in stride when you encounter these folks again. it was very decent of you to send that card.

with ZTA you are making your own world, so it is best to abandon high school in your mind. think of it as an excrutiatingly long bus ride with no air conditioning on your way to vacation. you don't get to pick the people you ride with, you don't get to choose the speed, or where to stop to stretch your legs and take a break. the lack of control is awful.

but now you are choosing your own way, and high school can be a memory that you learn from.

Your ZTA work is important - one should always return to the community as much or prefereably more than one receives. good on you.

as for marriage...

you have lots of time. you need to discover who you are. at times it will be lonely with only your own company. ask yourself what you are going to do to fill your own void. will you fill it with another person, or will you place yourself there?

sit down and get a piece of paper and describe the attributes of a "perfect" person or person at the apex - a person you want to be. leave marriage and relationships off the list for the moment.

- do you know how to dance? (if you dance)
- do you know another language?
- do you know how to fix your car?
- do you know basic carpentry? electrical? could you fix up a house with your current skill set?
- do you play a musical instument?
- can you sing as well as you would like to?
- have you travelled as much as you want?

the list can go on. fill your void with yourself. then you will be an even more amazing person to be married to.

remember the parable of the talents
"For to everyone who has, more shall be given, and he will have an abundance; but from the one who does not have, even what he does have shall be taken away." Matthew 25:29
wow! I can't really leave a follow-up to Cad's comments.

That was really cool of him to take the time and thought he put into those comments.

You really need to see GaBelle more often! She misses you too! and I CANNOT believe I was there over a week and never saw you! :(

Next time.....
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This is a diary of the adventures of a young christian woman as she searches for her prince charming and lives her life in the suburbs of the "New York of the South."

Location: Georgia, United States

Well, I am a 26 year old christian teacher living in the peach state in search of my prince.

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