The soap opera called my life
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
  Dana moves...
Friday was not a good day AT ALL!!!! I worked till 5:30 to be prepared for when I go back to work next week. I then had to say good-bye to mi amiga mejor (my best friend in spanish) Dana. Dana is my best friend besides Penguin, and the one I have hung out with the most the past 2 years(plus we worked together) because we were the only ones not attatched. Well she went and got attatched (how dare she, right?!! he he). She moved back home to be closer to her man and get engaged within the year. I am really going to miss her. She was a big part of my life because we were together so much at work and after work during the week. We had our weekly "dates" he he that consisted of walking in the big park in the city and then going to eat. I am going to have to adjust with her not being in the city anymore. At least Penguin hasn't left me!!! I shudder at the thought! She and Dana are like my sisters, and will always be a big part of me. Penguin has been through sooo much with me, and been there from the beginning when we both moved to the city almost 4 years ago. Can you believe almost 4 years Penguin???????? CRAZY!
So I tried Friday to be very upbeat for Dana. She has been worried about me and how I would take her moving from the get go, so I wanted and she needed me to be strong. I have been pretty okay though. I am happy for her, and glad she is happy with her decision. I will miss her, but haven't focused on it much. Just tried to be supportive. We both know we'll visit lots and we have a friendship to last for ages :) I have tried to focus on that and how happy she'll be when we talk about her moving, too :) This is what God meant for her life right now. We truly feel that way.

I will admit I got in a funk friday and was a grouch, being difficult. I had to make a quick visit that night to say bye and then leave (which I felt bad about). I had to deal with city traffic during rush hour (YIKES! Good thing I got the insurance thing worked out!) Then I had a sinus headache. Then my family was calling about my heading home then due to the weather there. So much going on, to think about....I was on overload.

Things got better on the drive home...called Dana and aplogized about the quick visit and then leaving....she as afraid I was mad or something at her. I told her everything that was going on, and that I needed to leave when I did to stay strong and not cry. We have talked since then, and she seems great. I told her I saw a visit to char-town in the near future for me he he

Oh, adult friendships....they are hard to deal with. First let me "define" adult friendships in Peach terms he he. These are friendships that we have as adults, that are more meaningful than the ones we had in high school maybe. They have more depth to them. I thought that I dealt with them when I had moved to the city. You know, learning to keep in touch with those friends back home with calls and emails, and dealing with not having them be a constant in my life anymore. Well, not a constant like they had been, anyway. No more seeing them alot, talking to them daily. I then thought I had learned adult friendships when most of my friends got married. I understood that their lives had changed, they had new responsibilities, and new goals. I also got that I wouldn't see them as much, and was totally okay with that. I love seeing them happy and settled! I think my uncle's funeral and Dana moving have brought this concept full circle for me though. These things have taught me that it doesn't matter that you talk to your friends daily so much or see them alot as much. It's nice but not what adult friendships are about. They are about having lifelong friends that will be there for you to cry to and give comfort when someone near and dear to your heart dies. They will be there to share in the joy of your wedding. They will be there when you become a parent. They will be there when you need them, no matter what. These are the things that matter in a friendship as an adult, not so much who can go shopping or go out (though these are great!) . I have vowed to do better at keeping these frienships alive and proving that I can be one of these friends to those select few I call my best friends. I want to be to be to my friends what Cherie is to my parents. She set them up so She is always there for the big stuff in their life. However, they do not have to talk often. She is there for funerals. She is there for the big stuff pretty much. My best friend back home Amanda is definitely that to me alrady. She and I don't talk daily, but she was at the funeral home when Uncle J. passed, checking on me and my fam. Dana and Penguin have shown they are this type of friend, too. So have others :) I think this stuff matters so much to me is that I didn't know good, true friends until I got to college. Therefore, the few friends I have are very inportant and valued, plus all very near to me. PLus I am a cheesy sap LOL
I hope that each of you have a multitude of these types of friends in your life. Friends like the aformentioned ones are one-in-a-million, and ones to be cherished. I know I cherish mine! And take comfort in that you at least have one-GOD! How awesome!
They were a little know me though. Try to push them aside, ignore them... I am SO GLAD that I have you,too! You have been my bff for so long now it'd be weird without ya in my life! he he
Luv ya! :)
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This is a diary of the adventures of a young christian woman as she searches for her prince charming and lives her life in the suburbs of the "New York of the South."

Location: Georgia, United States

Well, I am a 26 year old christian teacher living in the peach state in search of my prince.

December 2005 / January 2006 / February 2006 / March 2006 / April 2006 / May 2006 / July 2006 / August 2006 / September 2006 / October 2006 / November 2006 / January 2007 / February 2007 / March 2007 /

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