The soap opera called my life
Saturday, December 24, 2005
  Nostalgia hit me!
Well, before the whirlwind of events this afternoon, I set out on a mission to walk and get some exercise this morning (I have been saying I would do this for how many days? LOL I shudder to think....) Anyway, I ended up back on the campus of the univeristy of which I am an alumnus. Anyway, being back on campus and seeing everything, made me sooo nostalgic for the college years that seem so far away, yet they're not. I miss meeting up with my sorority sisters on the south patio, eating and socializing in the cafe or swoops, I miss socializing more than studying at the library, miss the dorms and running over to see Sandy or April and Renee, I miss going to the chapter room, going to the TKE or KA house (take me to ______'s house! LOL) . Oh, driving by the TKE and KA house brought back SOOO many memories...about half of my social life in college revolved around these two houses that are side by side...the waterfight at the KA house, along with that one night Sandy and I stayed there until like 6 in the morning being retarded (think dancing and lip syncing, climbing on top of the coke maching on the patio he he). And of course, the parties. CAN'T forget all those...soo many memories. Back then, there were no rent payments, loans to pay back, cars to pay for, health and life insurance to get for responsibilities except for school and work here and there. I saw Spankies and Vinnie's too...MANY a good time had there :)...*sigh* I could go on for HOURS...sadly if you know me well enough you are thinking to yourself right now "she's telling the truth..." LOL
I love my job , new home, new friends in the good ol' peach state, but nostalgia did hit me today...
Sounds like you had a FUN time in college! :)
Yeah, being a "grown-up" isn't much fun sometimes....
CP-I definitely was he he I know what your saying about your alma mater...last time I was there I noticed all the construction and stuff going on. Hope that you and Z had a great 1st Christmas together as a married couple, along with the rest of your family.
BP-Yeah, college was lots and lots of fun...probably why I didn't graduate with honors he he Yeah, I wouldn't put fun and grown -up together sometimes (usually when it's time to pay bills he he).
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This is a diary of the adventures of a young christian woman as she searches for her prince charming and lives her life in the suburbs of the "New York of the South."

Location: Georgia, United States

Well, I am a 26 year old christian teacher living in the peach state in search of my prince.

December 2005 / January 2006 / February 2006 / March 2006 / April 2006 / May 2006 / July 2006 / August 2006 / September 2006 / October 2006 / November 2006 / January 2007 / February 2007 / March 2007 /

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